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Play Football.
Stand Against Suicide.

The UK's leading charity 5aside football tournament for the fight to prevent suicide. 


In it's 6th year, and over two days, 768 footballers and 96 teams will battle it out on the pitch whilst raising a ton of money for mental health charities. Reserve your place today!

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Watford FC

Its our first year at Watford with 16 teams provided the opportunity to play at Vicarage Road. Find out more about how you can take part before teams sell out!



From donations, corporate sponsorship or volunteering on the day. There are plenty of ways you can get behind the Mental Health World Cup.

Our Impact


Raised since 2012 for mental health charities. Run entirely by volunteers


Footballers played football and stood against suicide


Profits go direct to our mental health charities. 


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Each of our mental health charities provide life saving work in different ways. Help support them by playing football and standing against suicide at the Mental Health World Cup

How to take part.

Experience the thrill of playing on the pitch at iconic grounds around the UK whilst helping us raise awareness around mental health and suicide prevention. 

Sponsored by

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